• Plant, Mineral, Animal Raw Materials
• Organic, Biodynamic, Wildcrafted
• No Synthetic Ingredients
• Over 40 years experience in Skincare/60 years in pharmaceuticals
• Based on homeopathic insight/mission: do no harm/no side effects
• Pharmaceutical grade ingredients
• No substitutions or systemic irritants(no liposome’s, collagen, ceritamides)
• No animal testing (use human volunteers)
• Skin is normalized/balanced through stimulation/calming of its own processes
• Compositions based on a complete picture of the human organization and its relationship to nature
• Ingredients chosen for their dynamic forces and their relationship to human processes
• Rhythmic Flowing Movements
• Supportive Care and Conscious Connection
• Manual Touch--No machines or Chemicals
• Based on a unique and specific picture of the organization of the human being
• Works to balance the processes of the skin by addressing the whole body
• Stimulates and calms the normal functions of the skin
• Lymph Stimulation encourages detoxification, elimination
• Rhythmical movements work with and restore the natural flow of fluids and energy
• Rhythmic touch connects on a fundamental “life force” level
• The treatment works to restore vitality and harmony to promote natural beauty and the health of the skin